
Search Results

  1. 240

    Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX

    Many administration pages have search, sorting, and pagination on the index page. See how to add all of this including AJAX.

    Tags: rails-30 administration ajax

  2. 239

    ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough

    The new Active Record query methods in Rails 3 might seem like magic at first. In this episode we unravel how it works by browsing the Rails 3 source code.

    Tags: rails-30 active-record

  3. 238


    Mongoid is a polished, high-level Ruby gem for accessing MongoDB. Here we cover installation, adding fields, validations, associations, and keys.

    Tags: models plugins

  4. 237

    Dynamic attr_accessible Other translations: Pt

    It is important to use attr_accessible for security with mass assignment, but what if you need it to be dynamic based on user permissions? See how in this episode.

    Tags: security rails-30 models

  5. 236

    OmniAuth Part 2 Other translations: Es

    In this episode we continue our look at integrating OmniAuth with devise.This time we show how to set up new users with validations.

    Tags: authentications plugins

  6. 235

    OmniAuth Part 1 Other translations: Es

    OmniAuth is an easy way to add many different authentication services to your app. In this episode we start integrating it with Devise.

    Tags: authentications plugins

  7. 234

    Simple Form Other translations: Pt Es It

    Simple Form is a convenient way to generate forms with many options to customize the generated markup.

    Tags: forms plugins

  8. 233

    Engage With Devise Other translations: It Es

    Janrain Engage (aka RPX) makes it easy to support many authentication solutions through one service.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  9. 232

    Routing Walkthrough Part 2 Other translations: It Es

    In this episode we continue our look into the Rails 3 router by exploring the Mapper class.

    Tags: routing rails-30

  10. 231

    Routing Walkthrough Other translations: It Es

    How does routing work internally in Rails 3? In this episode I'll walk you through the Rails code that makes routing possible.

    Tags: rails-30 routing