
Episodes tagged with “authentication”

  1. 393

    Guest User Record

    Instead of presenting a sign up form to the user, consider creating a temporary guest record so the user can try out the application without filling in their information up front. They can then become a permanent member afterwards

    Tags: authentication

  2. 283

    Authentication With Sorcery Other translations: Ja Fr Es

    Sorcery is a full-featured, modular solution to authentication which leaves the controller and view layers up to you.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  3. 274

    Remember Me & Reset Password Other translations: Fr Ja Es

    It is easy to create authentication from scratch, but how do we extend it with more features? Here we add a "remember me" check box and a "forgotten password" link.

    Tags: authentication

  4. 270

    Authentication in Rails 3.1 Other translations: Ja Es De Fr

    Here we show three new features in Rails 3.1 that will help with authentication: easier HTTP Basic, SecurePassword in the database, and forcing SSL.

    Tags: rails-31 authentication

  5. 250

    Authentication from Scratch Other translations: Ja Es

    Password authentication is not too complicated to make from scratch, it will also help to get a better understanding of how it works.

    Tags: authentication

  6. 241

    Simple OmniAuth Other translations: Es Ja

    OmniAuth makes it easy to add authentication if you don't need username/password or multiple authentications per user.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  7. 233

    Engage With Devise Other translations: It Es Fr

    Janrain Engage (aka RPX) makes it easy to support many authentication solutions through one service.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  8. 210

    Customizing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    In this episode we continue looking at devise with a focus on customizing its views, routing and validations.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins authentication

  9. 209

    Introducing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode.

    Tags: authentication plugins rails-30

  10. 170

    OpenID With Authlogic

    This episode extends the appication built in episode 160 and shows how to add OpenID support to a Ralis application that uses Authlogic.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  11. 160

    Authlogic Other translations: Es

    Authentication can become very complex. This episode shows how to use Authlogic to handle this complexity while keeping control over what is presented to the user.

    Tags: authentication plugins