Episodes tagged with “rails-30”
Request Specs and Capybara Other translations:
Request specs in RSpec are a great way to ensure the entire application stack is working properly. Here I also show how to use capybara with integrated JavaScript testing using Selenium.
Pagination with Kaminari Other translations:
If you need pagination in Rails 3 try out Kaminari. It is a clean, flexible solution which uses scopes to flow nicely with Active Record queries.
Metrics Metrics Metrics Other translations:
Metric Fu, Metrical, SimpleCov, Rails Best Practices, and more are covered in this episode on metrics.
Notifications in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3 comes with instrument support through the ActiveSupport::Notifications class. Call "subscribe" to listen to notifications, and "instrument" to send them.
Tags: rails-30
Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX Other translations:
Many administration pages have search, sorting, and pagination on the index page. See how to add all of this including AJAX.
Tags: rails-30 administration ajax
ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough Other translations:
The new Active Record query methods in Rails 3 might seem like magic at first. In this episode we unravel how it works by browsing the Rails 3 source code.
Tags: rails-30 active-record
Dynamic attr_accessible Other translations:
It is important to use attr_accessible for security with mass assignment, but what if you need it to be dynamic based on user permissions? See how in this episode.
Routing Walkthrough Part 2 Other translations:
In this episode we continue our look into the Rails 3 router by exploring the Mapper class.
Routing Walkthrough Other translations:
How does routing work internally in Rails 3? In this episode I'll walk you through the Rails code that makes routing possible.
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3 Other translations:
In this episode we finish up this upgrade series by removing all deprecation warnings and fixing some problems in the view.
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2 Other translations:
Here we continue upgrading an application to Rails 3 by getting our specs up and running and going through the rails_upgrade plugin.
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1 Other translations:
In the first part of this series on upgrading a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, we'll start off by setting up Rails 3.0 Release Candidate in a clean environment. The rails_upgrade plugin will then help us determine what needs upgrading.
Controllers in Rails 3 Other translations:
This episode covers changes to controllers in Rails 3 including embedded flash notices, permanent cookies and respond_with.
Tags: rails-30 controllers
Rack in Rails 3 Other translations:
The router in Rails 3 is fully compatible with Rack. Learn how to embed Sinatra into an app, handle redirects, and improve on Rails Metal.
Tags: rails-30 routing performance
Subdomains in Rails 3 Other translations:
It is now possible to add subdomains to Rails 3 without the use of additional plugins. Learn how in this episode.
Making Generators in Rails 3 Other translations:
Generators in Rails 3 have been rewritten to use Thor which means the code used to create a generator is quite different. Here you will learn the new way to make generators in Rails 3.
Generators in Rails 3 Other translations:
Generators in Rails 3 have been completely rewritten to be more modular. This allows you to customize any generator to fit your specific preferences.
Advanced Queries in Rails 3 Other translations:
Learn some advanced techniques regarding named scopes and get an introduction to Arel in this episode.
Tags: rails-30 active-record
Refactoring & Dynamic Delegator Other translations:
Learn how to refactor a set of conditional Active Record queries using a Dynamic Delegator.
Tags: refactoring active-record rails-30
Validations in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model.
Tags: rails-30 forms active-record views
Customizing Devise Other translations:
In this episode we continue looking at devise with a focus on customizing its views, routing and validations.
Tags: rails-30 plugins authentication
Introducing Devise Other translations:
Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode.
Tags: authentication plugins rails-30
ERB Blocks in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3.0 beta 2 is out and it handles blocks in erb templates differently. Find out how in this episode.
Action Mailer in Rails 3 Other translations:
Action Mailer has been rewritten for Rails 3 providing a much cleaner API with its use of the Mail gem.
Unobtrusive JavaScript Other translations:
Rails 3 makes great use of unobtrusive JavaScript, helping keep content and behaviour separate.
XSS Protection in Rails 3 Other translations:
In previous versions of Rails it was easy for your application to be vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. Rails 3 solves this problem but automatically escaping output.
Routing in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3 has a new routing interface. In this episode we show how to translate the old interface into the new one and show some of the new features.
Active Record Queries in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes.
Tags: rails-30 active-record
Bundler Other translations:
Bundler is the way to manage gem dependencies in Rails 3.0. Learn how to install gems and lock them down in this episode.
Rails 3 Beta and RVM Other translations:
Get started with the first Rails 3.0 beta and install Ruby 1.9.1 using the Ruby Version Manager, RVM. Also a challenge on giving back to Open Source.
Tags: rails-30