Episodes tagged with “forms”
OmniAuth Identity
With the release of OmniAuth 1.0 there is a new Identity strategy which allows users to register/login with a password if they don't want to use an external provider.
In-place Editing Other translations:
Edit an attribute in-place without leaving a page using the Best In Place gem. Learn how to add validations and support for various field types.
Client-side Validations Other translations:
Showing validation errors inline as the user is filling out the form can lead to a better use experience. Learn how to do this using the Client Side Validations gem.
Token Fields Other translations:
With the jQuery Tokeninput plugin it is easy to add an autocompleting list of entries for a many-to-many association.
MetaWhere & MetaSearch Other translations:
MetaWhere provides a way to do complex find conditions without SQL in Active Record. MetaSearch makes it easy to create search forms with many find options.
Tags: rails-3.0 plugins active-record forms search
Simple Form Other translations:
Simple Form is a convenient way to generate forms with many options to customize the generated markup.
Multistep Forms Other translations:
In this episode we create a multistep form, or wizard, from scratch.
Tags: forms views active-record
Calendars Other translations:
If dates play an important role in your application, consider adding a date picker or calendar view as shown in this episode.
Validations in Rails 3 Other translations:
Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model.
Tags: rails-30 forms active-record views
Edit Multiple Individually Other translations:
se checkboxes to edit multiple records in one form, where each one has an individual set of form fields.
Nested Model Form Part 2 Other translations:
Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using either Prototype or jQuery.
Nested Model Form Part 1 Other translations:
The accepts_nested_attributes_for method, introduced in Rails 2.3, makes handling multiple models in a form much easier. Find out how to use it in this episode.
Tags: forms views active-record
Formtastic Part 2 Other translations:
In this episode we cover some of Formtastic's more advanced features, including its handling of many-to-many relationships, required fields and styling.
Formtastic Part 1 Other translations:
Formtastic provides a concise way to generate form views. In the first part of this two-part series we use it to generate a simple form and a more complex, customised one.
Seven Security Tips Other translations:
Security is paramount in your Rails applications. Here we show seven commons security flaws from mass assignment to CSRF.
Tags: security forms views active-record
More on Virtual Attributes Other translations:
Make use of virtual attributes and callbacks to implement tagging in a blogging application.
Edit Multiple Other translations:
Select multiple records with checkboxes and edit them all on one form. Find out how to use virtual attributes to update values relatively.
Time in Text Field Other translations:
Updating time fields via a series of dropdowns isn't the most elegant way to enter date and time information. Find out how to allow your users to enter dates and time in a text field instead.
Tags: active-record forms
Hackers Love Mass Assignment Other translations:
If you're using mass assigment you're giving complete control to your models to your users. Learn how to protect them in this episode.
Tags: security active-record forms
SQL Injection Other translations:
Attacks via SQL injection are one of the most common ways to attack web applications. Learn how to avoid being a victim of it.
Tags: security active-record forms
HABTM Checkboxes Other translations:
Create a list of checkboxes for easily managing a HABTM relationship.
Virtual Attributes Other translations:
Keep your forms flexible by adding virtual attributes to your model. This powerful technique allows you to create form fields which may not directly relate to the database.
Tags: active-record forms