
Episodes tagged with “plugins”

  1. 406

    Public Activity

    Learn how to easily add a user activity feed using the public_activity gem. Here we show both the default setup using model callbacks and a manual way to trigger activities.

    Tags: activerecord plugins

  2. 409

    Active Model Serializers

    The ActiveModel::Serializers gem can help you build JSON APIs through serializer objects. This provides a dedicated place to fully customize the JSON output

    Tags: plugins apis

  3. 396

    Importing CSV and Excel Other translations: Ja

    Allow users to import records into the database by uploading a CSV or Excel document. Here we show how to use Roo to parse these files and present a solution for validations

    Tags: plugins

  4. 340


    DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript and jQuery. Here we show how to set this up and use a Rails application as the data source.

    Tags: views ajax plugins

  5. 338


    Rails has great internationalization (I18n) support making it easy to translate static text into other languages, but how do we translate database content? Learn how using Globalize 3 in this episode.

    Tags: plugins activerecord models

  6. 336


    Copycopter provides a nice interface that clients can use to edit the text in a Rails application. Learn how to deploy a Copycopter server using Heroku and integrate it in a Rails application through I18n.

    Tags: plugins views tools

  7. 334

    Compass & CSS Sprites

    Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode.

    Tags: views plugins

  8. 332

    Refinery CMS Basics

    If you need to quickly create an informational site that can be easily edited, consider using a content management system. Here we show how to build a site using Refinery CMS.

    Tags: plugins views

  9. 330

    Better SASS With Bourbon

    If you are tired of the browser vendor prefixes in CSS, take a look at Bourbon. It provides Sass mixins and functions to make CSS more convenient.

    Tags: plugins views

  10. 328

    Twitter Bootstrap Basics

    Twitter Bootstrap can help make beautiful web apps quickly by providing you with useful CSS and JavaScript. Here you will learn how to include it into Rails with the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem.

    Tags: plugins views

  11. 326


    ActiveAttr provides what Active Model left out. If you need to create a table-less model with features similar to Active Record, read this episode.

    Tags: models plugins

  12. 324

    Passing Data to JavaScript Other translations: Ja

    There are a variety of ways to pass variables from a Rails application to JavaScript. Here we show three techniques: a script tag, a data attribute, and the Gon gem.

    Tags: views plugins

  13. 304

    OmniAuth Identity

    With the release of OmniAuth 1.0 there is a new Identity strategy which allows users to register/login with a password if they don't want to use an external provider.

    Tags: forms plugins

  14. 298

    Getting Started With Spree Other translations: Ja

    Spree allows you to quickly turn a Rails project into a full eCommerce application. Here we show how to set it up and configure the look and feel of the store.

    Tags: ecommerce plugins

  15. 296

    Mercury Editor Other translations: Ja

    Mercury allows you to edit a section of HTML directly in the web browser through a WISYIWYG editor. Here we show how to integrate Mercury into a Rails app and save the changes back to the database.

    Tags: plugins views

  16. 294

    Playing With PJAX Other translations: Ja

    PJAX allows you to quickly update a section of a page using AJAX with automatic pushState support. Here we show how to use both pjax_rails and rack-pjax gems.

    Tags: ajax plugins

  17. 290

    SOAP With Savon Other translations: Ja

    Communicating with a SOAP API can be a daunting task. Savon makes this easier by presenting the SOAP API through a Ruby interface.

    Tags: plugins

  18. 286

    Draper Other translations: Ja Ru

    Clean up complex view logic using Draper. This gem provides decorators (much like presenters) which bundles view logic in an object oriented fashion. In this episode we do a step-by-step refactoring of a complex template into a decorator.

    Tags: views plugins refactoring

  19. 285

    Spork Other translations: Es Ja

    Spork improves the loading time of your test suite by starting up your Rails application once in the background. Use it with Guard for the ultimate combo in fast feedback while doing TDD.

    Tags: testing plugins tools

  20. 284

    Active Admin Other translations: Ja Es Fr Ru

    Active Admin allows you to quickly build an admin interface with just a few commands. Not only does it look great, but it is very customizable as shown in this episode.

    Tags: administration plugins

  21. 283

    Authentication With Sorcery Other translations: Ja Fr Es

    Sorcery is a full-featured, modular solution to authentication which leaves the controller and view layers up to you.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  22. 280

    Pry With Rails Other translations: Pl Ja Es Fr

    Pry is an alternative to IRB and sports many great features. Here we show how to integrate it into a Rails app, and how it can aid in debugging.

    Tags: plugins tools

  23. 278

    Search With Sunspot Other translations: Ja Es Fr

    Sunspot makes it easy to do full text searching through Solr. In this episode we show how to search on various attributes and add facets for filtering the search further.

    Tags: plugins

  24. 276

    Testing Time & Web Requests Other translations: Es Fr Ja

    It can be difficult to test code that deals with the current time or an external web request. Here we show you how to do both using the Timecop and FakeWeb gems.

    Tags: testing plugins

  25. 273

    Geocoder Other translations: Fr Es Ja Ru

    If you need to work with geographic data, Geocoder is an excellent gem for converting addresses and coordinates, finding nearby locations, determining distances, and more!

    Tags: plugins

  26. 272

    Markdown with Redcarpet Other translations: Es Fr Ja

    Redcarpet is an easy-to-use gem which interprets Markdown. In this episode we show how to customize it and add syntax highlighting through Pygments and Albino.

    Tags: plugins views

  27. 271

    Resque Other translations: Es Ja Fr

    Resque creates background jobs using Redis. It supports multiple queue and comes with an administration interface for monitoring and managing the queues.

    Tags: plugins background-jobs

  28. 263

    Client-side Validations Other translations: Ja Es

    Showing validation errors inline as the user is filling out the form can lead to a better use experience. Learn how to do this using the Client Side Validations gem.

    Tags: plugins forms

  29. 262

    Trees With Ancestry Other translations: Ja Es

    The Ancestry gem works like a tree but also allows us to fetch deeply nested messages in a single query. It provides a method to arrange them after fetching.

    Tags: plugins

  30. 261

    Testing JavaScript with Jasmine Other translations: Ja Es

    Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery.

    Tags: testing plugins

  31. 260

    Messaging With Faye Other translations: Ja Es

    Faye is a subscription/publishing server which makes it easy to do push notifications within a Rails app.

    Tags: plugins

  32. 259

    Decent Exposure Other translations: Ja Es

    he decent_exposure gem makes it convenient to share controller data with the view through methods instead of instance variables.

    Tags: plugins controllers views

  33. 258

    Token Fields Other translations: Ja Es

    With the jQuery Tokeninput plugin it is easy to add an autocompleting list of entries for a many-to-many association.

    Tags: forms ajax plugins

  34. 257

    Request Specs and Capybara Other translations: Ja Es

    Request specs in RSpec are a great way to ensure the entire application stack is working properly. Here I also show how to use capybara with integrated JavaScript testing using Selenium.

    Tags: testing plugins rails-30

  35. 255

    Undo With PaperTrail Other translations: Ja Es

    Undo and redo behavior is easy to add with a versioning gem such as Paper Trail. Learn how to add an undo link to any model's flash message.

    Tags: plugins

  36. 254

    Pagination with Kaminari Other translations: Ja Es

    If you need pagination in Rails 3 try out Kaminari. It is a clean, flexible solution which uses scopes to flow nicely with Active Record queries.

    Tags: plugins rails-30

  37. 253

    CarrierWave File Uploads Other translations: Ja Es

    CarrierWave makes it easy and clean to add file uploads to your application. It supports a variety of ORMs, frameworks and image processors.

    Tags: plugins

  38. 251

    MetaWhere & MetaSearch Other translations: Ja Es

    MetaWhere provides a way to do complex find conditions without SQL in Active Record. MetaSearch makes it easy to create search forms with many find options.

    Tags: rails-3.0 plugins active-record forms search

  39. 248

    Offline Apps Part 2 Other translations: Es

    Learn how to make a site usable offline with HTML 5 localStorage. This last part of the series covers jquery-tmpl and jquery-offline.

    Tags: plugins ajax

  40. 247

    Offline Apps Part 1 Other translations: Es

    Learn how to make a site usable offline through an HTML 5 cache manifest. This first part of the series covers rack-offline and problems you may run into.

    Tags: plugins

  41. 243

    Beanstalkd and Stalker Other translations: Pt Es

    Beanstalk is a fast and easy way to queue background tasks. Stalker provides a nice wrapper interface for creating these jobs.

    Tags: plugins background-jobs

  42. 241

    Simple OmniAuth Other translations: Es Ja

    OmniAuth makes it easy to add authentication if you don't need username/password or multiple authentications per user.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  43. 238

    Mongoid Other translations: Es Pt

    Mongoid is a polished, high-level Ruby gem for accessing MongoDB. Here we cover installation, adding fields, validations, associations, and keys.

    Tags: models plugins

  44. 236

    OmniAuth Part 2 Other translations: Es

    In this episode we continue our look at integrating OmniAuth with devise.This time we show how to set up new users with validations.

    Tags: authentications plugins

  45. 235

    OmniAuth Part 1 Other translations: Es It

    OmniAuth is an easy way to add many different authentication services to your app. In this episode we start integrating it with Devise.

    Tags: authentications plugins

  46. 234

    Simple Form Other translations: Pt Es It

    Simple Form is a convenient way to generate forms with many options to customize the generated markup.

    Tags: forms plugins

  47. 233

    Engage With Devise Other translations: It Es Fr

    Janrain Engage (aka RPX) makes it easy to support many authentication solutions through one service.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  48. 230

    Inherited Resources Other translations: It Es

    Inherited Resource simplifies RESTful controllers by providing default actions which can be customized through inheritance.

    Tags: plugins controllers

  49. 227

    Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3 Other translations: It Pt Es

    In this episode we finish up this upgrade series by removing all deprecation warnings and fixing some problems in the view.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  50. 226

    Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 2 Other translations: Pt It Es

    Here we continue upgrading an application to Rails 3 by getting our specs up and running and going through the rails_upgrade plugin.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  51. 225

    Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 1 Other translations: Pt It Es

    In the first part of this series on upgrading a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, we'll start off by setting up Rails 3.0 Release Candidate in a clean environment. The rails_upgrade plugin will then help us determine what needs upgrading.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  52. 220

    PDFkit Other translations: It Es

    Generating PDFs in plain Ruby can be a lot of work. Instead, consider generating PDFs from HTML using PDFKit.

    Tags: plugins views

  53. 216

    Generators in Rails 3 Other translations: It Es

    Generators in Rails 3 have been completely rewritten to be more modular. This allows you to customize any generator to fit your specific preferences.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  54. 214

    A/B Testing with A/Bingo Other translations: Es It

    A/B Testing (or Split Testing) is a way to experiment with variations in an application to see the most effective option.

    Tags: plugins views

  55. 213

    Calendars Other translations: Es It

    If dates play an important role in your application, consider adding a date picker or calendar view as shown in this episode.

    Tags: plugins views forms

  56. 210

    Customizing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    In this episode we continue looking at devise with a focus on customizing its views, routing and validations.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins authentication

  57. 209

    Introducing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode.

    Tags: authentication plugins rails-30

  58. 207

    Syntax Highighting Other translations: Cn Es It

    Three popular choices for syntax highlighting in Rails applications are discussed in this episode: CodeRay, Ultraviolets and Pygments.

    Tags: views plugins

  59. 201

    Bundler Other translations: Es Cn De It Fr

    Bundler is the way to manage gem dependencies in Rails 3.0. Learn how to install gems and lock them down in this episode.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  60. 199

    Mobile Devices Other translations: Es Fr It

    In this episode we change the look and behavior of a Rails app on mobile devices and use jQTouch to build a native-looking interface.

    Tags: views controllers plugins

  61. 194

    MongoDB and MongoMapper Other translations: Pt Es Cn It

    MongoDB is a document-based database engine. Learn how to use it in Rails application with Mongomapper in this episode.

    Tags: models plugins

  62. 192

    Authorization with CanCan Other translations: Es It Pt

    CanCan is a simple authorization plugin that offers a lot of flexibility. Find out how to use it in this episode.

    Tags: authorization plugins

  63. 188

    Declarative Authorization Other translations: Cn Es

    Declarative authorization provides an advanced and powerful solution for role-based authorization

    Tags: administration authorization plugins

  64. 186

    Pickle With Cucumber

    Pickle adds a number of convenient Cucumber steps for generating models. Learn how to use Cucumber's table diffs as well.

    Tags: testing plugins

  65. 185

    Formtastic Part 2 Other translations: Tr Es

    In this episode we cover some of Formtastic's more advanced features, including its handling of many-to-many relationships, required fields and styling.

    Tags: forms views plugins

  66. 184

    Formtastic Part 1 Other translations: Tr Es

    Formtastic provides a concise way to generate form views. In the first part of this two-part series we use it to generate a simple form and a more complex, customised one.

    Tags: forms plugins views

  67. 182

    Cropping Images Other translations: Cn

    In this episode we create a slick user interface for cropping images using Paperclip and JCrop.

    Tags: plugins

  68. 135

    Making a Gem

    Gems are now a more popular way of extending Rails than plugins. In this episode we go through the steps needed to create a basic gem.

    Tags: plugins active-record tools

  69. 180

    Finding Unused CSS Other translations: Cn It

    As websites change stylesheets can become filled with unused selectors. The Deadweight gem helps to determine which ones can be removed.

    Tags: plugins

  70. 177

    Model Versioning Other translations: Cn

    If you need to keep track of the changes to an ActiveRecord model and switch between versions the Vestal Versions gem is well worth considering.

    Tags: active-record plugins

  71. 33

    Making a Plugin Other translations: It

    Duplication can often be removed from your Ruby code by making methods dynamically. In this episode we make a plugin to do just that.

    Tags: active-record plugins

  72. 176


    Searchlogic uses named scopes to make searching against models simple. See how to create simple and more complex searches in this episode.

    Tags: active-record plugins

  73. 175

    AJAX History and Bookmarks Other translations: Cn

    AJAX-enabled sites do not usually play well with bookmarking or the brower's page history. In this episode we fix that with a simple jQuery plugin.

    Tags: ajax plugins

  74. 173

    Screen Scraping With ScrAPI

    Screen scraping is sometimes the only way to get data from another website. This episode uses scrAPI to fetch prices from another site.

    Tags: plugins

  75. 171

    Delayed Job Other translations: Cn

    The delayed_job plugin provides an excellent way of getting long running tasks running in the background.

    Tags: plugins

  76. 170

    OpenID With Authlogic

    This episode extends the appication built in episode 160 and shows how to add OpenID support to a Ralis application that uses Authlogic.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  77. 168

    Feed Parsing Other translations: Cn

    In this episode we use two different techniques to parse an RSS feed with Feedzirra.

    Tags: plugins active-record

  78. 164

    Cron in Ruby

    Cron does a great job of handling recurring tasks, but the syntax is a little tricky. This episode shows you how to use Whenever to write cron jobs in Ruby instead.

    Tags: tools plugins

  79. 162

    Tree Based Navigation

    The acts_as_tree plugin provides a good solution for handling a tree-based navigation. In this episode we build a navigation system with menus, subpages and a breadcrumb control.

    Tags: active-record plugins

  80. 160

    Authlogic Other translations: Es

    Authentication can become very complex. This episode shows how to use Authlogic to handle this complexity while keeping control over what is presented to the user.

    Tags: authentication plugins

  81. 156


    Using Webrat allows you to write integration tests in Ruby, rather than in English as you would with Cucumber.

    Tags: testing tools plugins

  82. 134

    Paperclip Other translations: Cn It Pl

    Paperclip makes it easy to add attachments to a model. Find out how in this episode.

    Tags: plugins

  83. 155

    Beginning With Cucumber Other translations: Cn

    Cucumber is a testing framework that lets you develop with Behaviour-Driven Development. We develop a new application using BDD in this episode.

    Tags: testing tools plugins

  84. 153

    PDFs With Prawn

    With Prawn and Prawnto you can easily generate PDF files in your Rails application.

    Tags: plugins

  85. 149

    Rails Engines Other translations: De

    Rails 2.3 has most of the Rails Engine plugin built in. Find out how to embed one application into another.

    Tags: rails-23 plugins

  86. 147

    Sortable Lists

    Find out how to create a drag and drop list using prototype and one of Rails’ helper methods.

    Tags: active-record plugins ajax routing