Episodes tagged with “active-support”
Rails 2.3 extras
A round of some of the smaller new feaures in Rails 2.3 to finish the short series on Rails 2.3.
Formatting Time Other translations:
Use Ruby's strftime method to format dates and take advantage of Rails DATE_FORMATS hash to store custom date formats.
Tags: active-support views
group_by Month Other translations:
The group_by method can be used to group lists of items for display in your Rails apps.
Tags: views active-support
In Groups Of Other translations:
The in_groups_of method makes it easy to render a collection of items in several columns, with one slight catch.
Tags: views active-support
Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc Other translations:
The Symbol#to_proc feature in Rails allows you do do simple blocks quickly and easily.
Tags: active-support