Episodes tagged with “performance”
Cache Digests Other translations:
The cache_digests gem (also included in Rails 4) will automatically add a digest to the fragment cache key based on the template. If a template changes the cache will auto-expire but there are traps we need to watch out for.
Tags: rails-40 performance caching
Turbolinks Other translations:
Turbolinks can make your Rails app feel faster by using JavaScript to replace the page content when clicking a link. It will be default in new Rails 4.0 applications, but here we show how to use it in Rails 3 and mention some of the gotchas.
Tags: performance ajax rails-40
Charts Other translations:
There are a number of JavaScript charting libraries available. In this episode we use Highchart in a Rails application.
Tags: views performance
Rack in Rails 3 Other translations:
The router in Rails 3 is fully compatible with Rack. Learn how to embed Sinatra into an app, handle redirects, and improve on Rails Metal.
Tags: rails-30 routing performance
Touch and Cache Other translations:
Rails 2.3.3 has a new feature called 'touch'. In this episode we use it to auto-expire associated caches.
Tags: performance caching rails-23
Dynamic Page Caching Other translations:
Use a combination of page caching and JavaScript to create a fast cached page that can still be updated dynamically.
Tags: caching performance ajax administration
Three Profiling Tools
Find out what your Rails application is doing under the hood with New Relic RPM, FiveRuns TuneUp and Rack::Bug.
Tags: tools performance
Rails Metal
Rails Metal lets you bypass the normal Rails request process and speed up frequently called requests.
Tags: rails-23 performance
Counter Cache Column Other translations:
Improve performance by caching the record count for a has_many association in a counter cache column.
Tags: performance active-record
Eager Loading Other translations:
Improve the performance of your Rails application by reducing the number of database queries. Eager loading makes it easy.
Tags: performance active-record
Caching With Instance Variables. Other translations:
Store the result of an expensive command in an instance variable to improve performance.
Tags: performance caching