
Recent Episodes

  1. 28

    In Groups Of Other translations: It

    The in_groups_of method makes it easy to render a collection of items in several columns, with one slight catch.

    Tags: views active-support

  2. 27

    Cross-site Scripting Other translations: It

    Cross-site scripting is a common security issue. FInd out why it is important to escape any user input that you display in a browser.

    Tags: security views

  3. 26

    Hackers Love Mass Assignment Other translations: It

    If you're using mass assigment you're giving complete control to your models to your users. Learn how to protect them in this episode.

    Tags: security active-record forms

  4. 25

    SQL Injection Other translations: Id It

    Attacks via SQL injection are one of the most common ways to attack web applications. Learn how to avoid being a victim of it.

    Tags: security active-record forms

  5. 24

    The Stack Trace Other translations: It

    The stack trace is a useful aid when debugging. Learn how to use it in this episode.

    Tags: debugging

  6. 23

    Counter Cache Column Other translations: It

    Improve performance by caching the record count for a has_many association in a counter cache column.

    Tags: performance active-record

  7. 22

    Eager Loading Other translations: It

    Improve the performance of your Rails application by reducing the number of database queries. Eager loading makes it easy.

    Tags: performance active-record

  8. 21

    Super Simple Authentication Other translations: It Es Pt Fr

    Authentication is the final step of setting up administration on our site. There are many ways to do it, but we've taken a simple approach here.

    Tags: administration

  9. 20

    Restricting Access Other translations: It Es Pt Fr

    Learn how to lock your site down and keep the public from accessing the administration features,

    Tags: administration security

  10. 19

    Where Administration Goes Other translations: It Es Fr

    Part one of a three part series on making an administration system for your site that doesn't require building a whole separate set of pages.

    Tags: administration