
Recent Episodes

  1. 222

    Rack in Rails 3 Other translations: Es It

    The router in Rails 3 is fully compatible with Rack. Learn how to embed Sinatra into an app, handle redirects, and improve on Rails Metal.

    Tags: rails-30 routing performance

  2. 221

    Subdomains in Rails 3 Other translations: It Es

    It is now possible to add subdomains to Rails 3 without the use of additional plugins. Learn how in this episode.

    Tags: routing rails-30

  3. 220

    PDFkit Other translations: It Es

    Generating PDFs in plain Ruby can be a lot of work. Instead, consider generating PDFs from HTML using PDFKit.

    Tags: plugins views

  4. 219

    Active Model Other translations: It Es Cn Fr

    In Rails 3 the non-database functionality of Active Record is extracted out into Active Model. This allows you to cleanly add validations and other features to tableless models.

    Tags: models

  5. 218

    Making Generators in Rails 3 Other translations: It Es

    Generators in Rails 3 have been rewritten to use Thor which means the code used to create a generator is quite different. Here you will learn the new way to make generators in Rails 3.

    Tags: rails-30 tools

  6. 217

    Multistep Forms Other translations: It Es

    In this episode we create a multistep form, or wizard, from scratch.

    Tags: forms views active-record

  7. 216

    Generators in Rails 3 Other translations: It Es

    Generators in Rails 3 have been completely rewritten to be more modular. This allows you to customize any generator to fit your specific preferences.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins

  8. 215

    Advanced Queries in Rails 3 Other translations: Es It Cn

    Learn some advanced techniques regarding named scopes and get an introduction to Arel in this episode.

    Tags: rails-30 active-record

  9. 214

    A/B Testing with A/Bingo Other translations: Es It

    A/B Testing (or Split Testing) is a way to experiment with variations in an application to see the most effective option.

    Tags: plugins views

  10. 213

    Calendars Other translations: Es It

    If dates play an important role in your application, consider adding a date picker or calendar view as shown in this episode.

    Tags: plugins views forms