
Recent Episodes

  1. 212

    Refactoring & Dynamic Delegator Other translations: Es It

    Learn how to refactor a set of conditional Active Record queries using a Dynamic Delegator.

    Tags: refactoring active-record rails-30

  2. 211

    Validations in Rails 3 Other translations: Es It

    Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model.

    Tags: rails-30 forms active-record views

  3. 210

    Customizing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    In this episode we continue looking at devise with a focus on customizing its views, routing and validations.

    Tags: rails-30 plugins authentication

  4. 209

    Introducing Devise Other translations: Es It Cn Ja

    Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode.

    Tags: authentication plugins rails-30

  5. 208

    ERB Blocks in Rails 3 Other translations: Es It

    Rails 3.0 beta 2 is out and it handles blocks in erb templates differently. Find out how in this episode.

    Tags: rails-30 views

  6. 207

    Syntax Highighting Other translations: Cn Es It

    Three popular choices for syntax highlighting in Rails applications are discussed in this episode: CodeRay, Ultraviolets and Pygments.

    Tags: views plugins

  7. 206

    Action Mailer in Rails 3 Other translations: Cn Es It

    Action Mailer has been rewritten for Rails 3 providing a much cleaner API with its use of the Mail gem.

    Tags: rails-30 mailing

  8. 205

    Unobtrusive JavaScript Other translations: Es Cn De It Tr

    Rails 3 makes great use of unobtrusive JavaScript, helping keep content and behaviour separate.

    Tags: rails-30 views ajax

  9. 204

    XSS Protection in Rails 3 Other translations: Es Cn It

    In previous versions of Rails it was easy for your application to be vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. Rails 3 solves this problem but automatically escaping output.

    Tags: rails-30 views security

  10. 203

    Routing in Rails 3 Other translations: Cn Es It

    Rails 3 has a new routing interface. In this episode we show how to translate the old interface into the new one and show some of the new features.

    Tags: rails-30 routing